Saturday, December 18, 2010

Prayer of Dedication - for Chanukah, Christmas, New Year - Always!

The symbolism and meaning of Chanukah is strong.  Marty Goetz, a Jew who knows Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, intimately, wrote and sings a beautiful Chanukah Song.  It's a Prayer of Dedication from his heart to his Messiah Yeshua's.  His plea speaks to us all. 

How?  First, some background.  God gave a small group of passionate Jewish citizens miraculous victory against an oppressive, superior, enemy force who tried to force them to abandon God.  The Jewish people were prohibited, under penalty of death, from fulfilling the covenant God made with them to circumcise their sons (cf., Genesis 17:9-14), from keeping Shabbat (the Sabbath) and from obeying God's instruction to celebrate His Feasts, His appointed times (cf., Leviticus 23).

God's House, His Holy Temple, the place where He lived, was desecrated and defiled, as their conquerors erected a statue of one of their gods and sacrificed a pig, an unclean animal, on the altar.   

God's people reclaimed God's House and religious freedom. They purified the entire Tabernacle.  Tradition has it, that when it came time to relight the Menorah, there was only enough pure oil to keep the Menorah lit for one day.  They relit the Menorah anyway - the supply of oil lasted EIGHT days!  The brilliance of the lighted Tabernacle radiated for miles!

Chanukah is a time of Dedication (cf., John 10:22).  Let's pray, with Marty, to dedicate our life - our Temple - to God.  Let's make our mortal bodies, God's House, worthy of His Name. Let's rid them of everything ungodly and every hidden thing of shame. Let's ask God to take the idols we've raised up in our heart. Let's surrender our defiled altar to God to cleanse and repair, so that - each time we falter, we we are pure - holy and able to RUN to meet Holy God there - in His Holy Place. Let's asks that our supply of oil, meager as that supply in Temple long ago - burns - so that we rejoice and exclaim,  "A great miracle happened here!" 

Let's pray, with Marty Goetz, that "with every candle on the Menorah, that illuminates the night; comes a prayer that Yeshua, Jesus, kindles in each of us, a desire for His Fire, for His light!"  Let's dedicate ourselves to Yeshua.

"My Yeshua . . . .I dedicate myself to you."  Hear Marty's prayer:

From You Tube:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

In a Word: Lessons from the Language of the Wilderness - A Great New Study!

Want to draw closer to God?  Here is a powerful study that speaks to challenges we all experience as believers today.  It's called "In a Word: Lessons from the Language of the Wilderness" by George DeJong.  Drawing from the experience of God's People in the wilderness, Pastor George uses the Hebrew and Greek of the original Text to bring fresh insight to the realities that confront us all.  You can preview and order it at:

Under the Fig Tree Ministries:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Places to Purchase "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus"

A fabulous resource to get started "Thinking Hebrew" is a very readable book by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg, called, "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus."  Be sure to check out the Bibliograpy for other great resources!  It can be purchased at:

En Gedi Resources:
Christian Book Distributors: