Monday, December 14, 2009

The Miracle of Chanukah and The Manhattan Declaration

Hebrews, our ancestors in the Faith, celebrate the tradition of Chanukah for eight days during December. Today, the focus of Chanukah is that there was only enough pure, holy, oil to light the seven lamps of the Tabernacle Menorah for one day; the oil lasted eight days.  Menorahs with nine lamps, called Chanukiah, are lit during Chanukah.

In our opinion, the focus is that God gave a small group of passionate citizens miraculous victory against an oppressive, superior, enemy force who seized, desecrated, and defiled the Tabernacle and tried to force them to abandon Him. They would not, under any circumstance, stand idly by as their religious freedom was assaulted.

They were prohibited, under penalty of death, from fulfilling the covenant God made with them to circumcise their sons (cf., Genesis 17:9-14), keep Shabbat, the Sabbath, and from obeying God's instruction to celebrate His Feasts, His appointed times (cf., Leviticus 23).

They reclaimed the Tabernacle and religious freedom.  They purified the entire Tabernacle and relit the Menorah. The brilliance of the lighted Tabernacle radiated for miles!  God’s people once again kept Shabbat and dwelled with Him again as they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. Chanukah is a time of Dedication (cf., John 10:22).

In America, religious freedom is being constantly assaulted.   A growing number of Americans, like our Ancestors in the Faith, are committed to not stand idly by as religious liberties are assaulted.  They are taking action by signing a document called the Manhattan Declaration.  Read it.  We urge you sign it as a declaration of your commitment to obeying God no matter what the cost.  If your Pastor hasn't brought it to the attention of the Congregation; ask him to!  Make it a time of Dedication: .

May we honor God by obeying His instructions, standing firm in faith, and purifying our personal Tabernacle (cf., 1 Cor:16-17). May the brilliance of our Saviour’s light in us flood a dark world! May we dwell with Him with great joy in preparation for the time when we ALL tabernacle with Him in Jerusalem (cf., Zechariah 14)!

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